Bin über eine interessante Statue gestolpert ... der Streithammer, wenn er den einer ist, würde zu meiner Zeitstellung passen. Ich bin aktuell am überlegen ob ich den mal schmiede ... Jetzt die Frage... ;-) ... hat jemand vielleicht mehr Infos und vorallem mehr Fotos der Statue ? .. aus anderen Perspektiven ? An unknown knightat Malvern Abbey, Worcestershire, England. The pick/hammerand round shield may indicate that he was some form of professional champion intrial by combat. Referenced onp72, Arms and Armour of the Crusading Era, 1050-1350, Western Europe and theCrusader States by David Nicolle 176 Effigy,Worcestershire, c.1225 (in situ Abbey,Malvern, England; after Stothard) This extremelyunusual effigy can be interpreted in at least two ways. A small round shieldand double-headed war-hammer could indicate the influence of light infantrytactics along the Welsh border, or the man could have been a professional'champion', as his peculiar weaponry was normally associated withtrial-by-combat.