Greetings from Russia.

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No doubt! :) I am always there :) And are there any such festivals in Germany-Austria-Denmark - as big as Wolin is?
Oh no, he is a liar!!!!!!! Don`t belief enything what he says! (I hop I wrote everythig right, my english isn`t so good...)
Guten Tag, Kunz :) to others: 1. I like bad bad girls :) 2. everybody is a bit crazy. 3. Hej, freilein, are you enough crazy to show us your avatar? :)
I have no avatar because I have no ,,medieval-picture" from me :p
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Welcome! from Russia? How did you get here? : )
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Do you understand when I writ in german? my english is really bad and I need 5 minutes for one sentence...! I like the picture from you with the pignose- it`s really funny!
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