...könnte man das dann jetzt eigentlich noch als "Quickie" bezeichnen ....? :groehldass es knapp drei Stunden dauerte
Genau so ist es !aber der Zeitraum, von dem wir hier reden, umfasst immerhin rund 1.000 Jahre und nicht immer ist überall alles gleich gewesen.
zitiert aus: s.o. , Ausgabe Venedig, 1495 bei Bonetus Locatellus der Begriff "Lust" bei Thomas wird übrigens von zahlreichen Autoren interessanterweise mit "Sodomie" übersetzt... :whistling:"...aufer meretrices de rebus humanis, turbaveris omnia libidinibus..." also: Nimm die Huren aus der menschlichen Gesellschaft weg und alles wird durch die Lust verwirrt.
(Übersetzung durch Wüstenfeld, Geramb oder Mackensen?)Werden einem von ihnen Kinder geboren, so wirft er sie ins Meer, um sich die Ausgaben zu sparen. Ferner erzählte er (At-Tartûschi), daß das Recht der Scheidung bei ihnen den Frauen zusteht: das Weib scheidet sich selbst, wann sie will.
(Aus: http://www.sammustafa.com/Resources/Fadlan.pdf ; Abschnitt Northmen, 2. Absatz) Übersetzt:Each man has a couch, where he sits with the beautiful girls he has for sale. Here he is as likely as not to enjoy one of them while a friend looks on. At times several of them will be thus engaged, each in Full view of the others. Now and then a Merchant will come to a house to purchase a girl, and find her master thus embracing her, and not giving over until he full had his will.
Auch in der folgenden Beschreibung der Beerdigung eines "Häuptlings" wird eine Orgie angedeutet:Jeder Mann hat eine Bank, auf der er mit den schönen Mädchen die er zum Verkauf hat sitzt. Es ist genauso wahrscheinlich, dass er eine von ihnen genießt [mit einer von ihnen Verkehr hat?], wie dass er es nicht macht, während sine Freund zusehen. Manchmal sind mehrere von ihnen derart beschäftigt, wobei jedervon allen gesehenwerden kann. Bei Zeiten kommt ein Kaufmann in das Haus um ein Mädchen zu kaufen und findet ihren Meister [Besitzer] sie derart umarmend, und er wird sie nicht übergeben, bis er seinen Willen gehabt hat.
(Aus: http://www.sammustafa.com/Resources/Fadlan.pdf ; Abschnitt A Viking Funeral, 3.-6. Absatz)When one of their chiefs dies, his family asks his girls and pages, "Which one of you will die with him?"One will answer:"I." From the moment he utters this word, he may not go back. Mostly, though, it is one of the girls who volunteers. Regarding the man of whom I spoke, one girl answered "I will." She was then entrusted to two other girls, who kept watch over her and accompanied her everywhere she went. The people were preparing the dead man's funeral clothes, and this girl gave her self over to drinking and singing, and was cheerful and gay. When the day had come that the dead man and the girl were to be committed to the flames, I went to the river where his ship lay, but found it had already been drawn ashore. The dead man lay at a distance in his grave, from which they had not yet removed him. Next they brought a couch, placed it in the ship, and covered it with Greek cloth of gold, wadded and quilted, with pillows of the same material. An woman, whom they called the “Angel of Death” came and spread articles on the couch. It was she who was to slay the girl. They drew the dead man out of the grave and clothed him. They carried him in to the ship, seated him on the equilted covering, supported him with the pillows, and brought strong drinks, fruits, and herbs to place besides him. Finally they brought a cook and hen, slew them and threw them in, too. The girl meanwhile walked to and fro, entering one after another of the tents which they had there. The occupant of each tent lay with her, saying “tell your master I did this only for love of you.” [...]
( aus Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies 3 (2000), S. 14 ff; http://www.library.cornell.edu/colldev/mideast/montgo1.pdf ) Übersetzt nach der ersten Version:When their chieftain dies, his family ask his slave-girls and slave-boys, “Who among you will die with him?” and some of them reply, “I shall.” Having said this, it becomes incumbent upon the person and it is impossible ever to turn back. Should that person try to, he is not permitted to do so. It is usually slave-girls who make this offer. When that man whom I mentioned earlier died, they said to his slave-girls, “Who will die with him?” and one of them said, “I shall.” So they placed wo slave-girls in charge of her to take care of her and accompany her wherever she went, even to the point of occasionally washing her feet with their own hands. They set about attending to the dead man, preparing his clothes for him and setting right all he needed. Every day the slave-girl would drink and would sing merrily and cheerfully. On the day when he and the slave-girl were to be burned I arrived at the iver where his ship was. To my surprise I discovered that it had been beached and that four planks of birch (khadank) and other types of wood had been erected for it. Around them wood had been placed in such a way as to resemble scaffolding (anabir). Then the ship was hauled and placed on top of this wood. They advanced, going to and fro uttering words which I did not understand, while he was still in his grave and had not been exhumed. Then they produced a couch and placed it on the ship, covering it with quilts Byzantine silk brocade and cushions Byzantine silk brocade. Then a crone arrived whom they called the “Angel of Death” and she spread on the couch the coverings we have mentioned. She is responsible for having his sewn up and putting him in order and it is she who kills the slave-girls. I myself saw her: a gloomy, corpulent woman, neither young nor old. When they came to his grave, they removed the soil from the wood and then removed the wood, exhuming him in the izarin which e had died. I could see that he had turned black because of the coldness of the ground. They had also placed alcohol, fruit and a pandora (tunbur) beside him in the grave, all of which they took out. Surprisingly, he had not begun to stink and only his colour had deteriorated. They clothed him in trousers, leggings (ran), boots, a qurtaq, and a silk caftan with golden but-tons, and placed a silk qalansuwwah with sable on his head. They carried him inside the pavilion on the ship and laid him to rest on the quilt, propping him with cushions. Then they brought alcohol, fruit and herbs (ray−han) and placed them beside him. Next they brought bread, meat and onions, which they cast in front of him, a dog, which they cut in two and which they threw onto the ship, and all of his weaponry, which they placed beside him. They then brought two mounts, made them gallop until they began to sweat, cut them up into pieces and threw the flesh onto the ship. They next fetched two cows, which they also cut up into pieces and threw on board, and a cock and a hen, which they slaughtered and cast onto it. Meanwhile, the slave-girl who wished to be killed was coming and going, entering one pavilion after another. The owner of the pavilion would have intercourse with her and say to her, “Tell your master that I have done this purely out of love for you.” [...] [Hier wird ein Teil Opferungszeremonie Beschrieben, weiter auf 19] Six men entered the pavilion and all had intercourse with the slave-girl. They laid her down beside her master and two of them took hold of her feet, two her hands. The crone called the “Angel of Death” placed a rope around her neck in such a way that the ends crossed one another (mukhalafan) and handed it to two to pull on it. She advanced with a broad-bladed dagger and began to thrust it in and out between her ribs, now here, now there, while the two men throttled her with the rope until she died
Wenn einer ihrer Häuptlinge stirbt, fragt seine Familie seine Mädchen [Sklaven] und Diener "wer von euch wird mit ihm sterben?" und einer wird antworten "Ich". Von dem Moment an in dem das Wort gemurmelt wurde kann er nicht mehr zurück. Meist ist es jedoch eines der Mädchen, dass sich freiwillig meldet. Bei dem Mann von dem ich sprach, war es ein Mädchen, dass antwortete "Ich werde." Sie wurde zwei anderen übergeben die sie begleiteten als sieging. Die Leute bereiteten des Toten Begräbnisskleiung und das Mädchen gab sich dem Trinken und Singen hin, war lustig und froh. [...] Das Mädchen ging derweil hierhin und dorthin, in jedes Zelt das dort stand nacheinander. Die Bewohner eines jeden lagen [schliefen] mit ihr und sagten "Erzähl deinem Meister ich tat dies nur für deine Liebe"